About us
We aim to listen attentively, ask the right questions and determine your needs in order to provide you with tailored and expert advice. For us, working together is just as important as the commitment to our clients, because people with different views and educational backgrounds see more than a single person.
Our values
INVETHOS stands for values-oriented, transparent and social asset management. We consciously invest in companies and people who carry out their duties successfully and responsibly, thus contributing to lasting relationships and a functioning economy. We assume this responsibility as well; for example, by setting our fees based on the work done and not on the basis of abstract percentages, transactions or commissions. As an owner-operated company, we are free from conflicts of interest.
Fees based on the level of effort
In order to safeguard your interests as a client, we charge a flat fee based on the level of effort, responsibility and complexity. INVETHOS is not compensated by third parties for the referral of client relationships, the use of products or on the basis of transaction frequency or asset size.
Fabio Anderloni
Beatrice Baumann-Fahrni
M.D., foundations, human resources, infrastucture, partner
+41 (0)31 311 62 38
beatrice.baumann(at)invethos.ch -
Marc Baumann
CEO, partner, member of the Board of Directors
+41 (0)31 311 87 10
marc.baumann(at)invethos.ch -
[Translate to English:] Max Baumann
Marco Bernardis
asset manager, portfolio management, partner
+41 (0)31 311 62 41
marco.bernardis(at)invethos.ch -
Stephanie Cuche
tax and financial planning
+41 (0)31 311 62 39
stephanie.cuche(at)invethos.ch -
Romana Doser
senior relationship manager impact investments
+41 (0)79 888 25 66
romana.doser(at)invethos.ch -
Beate Eckhardt
member of the board of directors
+41 (0)31 311 87 11
contact(at)eckhardtconsulting.ch -
Martin Gafner
partner, "Siloah", Gümligen
+41 (0)79 208 20 22
martin.gafner(at)invethos.ch -
Nadine Giger
asset management assistant, "Siloah", Gümligen
+41 (0)31 958 19 13
nadine.giger(at)invethos.ch -
Hans-Ulrich Gilgen
tax and accounting
+41 (0)31 311 87 68
hansulrich.gilgen(at)invethos.ch -
Dorin Grunder
compliance officer
+41 (0)31 311 62 37
dorin.grunder(at)invethos.ch -
Doris Hauser
sustainability expert
+41 (0)44 523 21 93
LinkedIn -
René Herrmann
asset manager, partner
+41 (0)31 311 87 67
rene.herrmann(at)invethos.ch -
Daniel Kusio
member of management, partner
+41 (0)31 311 62 40
daniel.kusio(at)invethos.ch -
Birgit Marks
asset management assistant
+41 (0)31 311 87 11
birgit.marks(at)invethos.ch -
Pierina Milani
property management
+41 (0)31 311 62 40
Jelena Mosimann
back office, archive
+41 (0)31 515 70 51
jelena.mosimann(at)invethos.ch -
Christian Moser
chairman of the board of directors
+41 (0)31 311 87 11
moserch(at)bluewin.ch -
Robert Müller
foundation manager VMI, asset manager
+41 (0)44 523 21 90
robert.mueller(at)invethos.ch -
Dominic Riedwyl
Silvia Riedo-Lehmann
asset management assistant
+41 (0)31 311 87 09
silvia.riedo(at)invethos.ch -
Marco Rohrbach
asset manager, partner
+41 (0)31 515 70 50
marco.rohrbach(at)invethos.ch -
[Translate to English:] Benjamin Sander
project manager development
+41 (0)31 515 70 54
benjamin.sander(at)invethos.ch -
Corinne Schaffert
asset manager
+41 (0)44 523 21 91
corinne.schaffert(at)invethos.ch -
Donato Scognamiglio
professor, member of the board of directors
+41 (0)31 311 87 11
donato.scognamiglio(at)iazi.ch -
Claudine Stalder
administration and reception
+41 (0)31 311 87 11
claudine.stalder(at)invethos.ch -
Jonas Steinmann
Ph.D., asset manager, partner
+41 (0)31 515 70 55
LinkedIn -
Lukas Stuecklin
member of management, partner, member of the board of directors
+41 (0)44 523 21 92
lukas.stuecklin(at)invethos.ch -
Katrin Wyss
+41 (0)31 311 87 11
katrin.wyss(at)invethos.ch -
Luca Zamboni
project and construction manager
+41 (0)31 515 70 56
luca.zamboni(at)invethos.ch -
Nancy Zaugg
administration, back office
+41 (0)31 311 62 40
Eric von Graffenried Recht/Legal
Postfach 3152
Taubenstrasse 8
3001 Bern
+41 31 560 66 00